Monday, August 30, 2010

Tortilla Española

In Spanish you tend to give inanimate objects feminine/masculine names. Instead of "It" you would call things "her" and "him." For this, I call the traditional Spanish Tortilla--LA TORTILLA.

She is a beaut, isn´t she? Made with nothing more than potatoes, eggs, and onions. This traditional dish goes back hundreds of years and it pertains to the family of Omelettes that are so prevelant in Europe. Each country has their own way of making omelettes. However, this one is special because it´s eaten 24 hours a day. This is no commoner. She is the Queen of omelettes. You can have her in the morning, mid-day and at night. Here are the ingredients. Oh and don´t forget to flip her over. If you can master that without it spilling, you are now a master of omelettes.

( Serves 3 to 4 people)

6 medium sized potatoes
4 large eggs
1 large onion
2 teaspoons of sea salt
1 cup of olive oil


Step 1: Heat up a large pan. Make sure you have a plate that is big enough to cover it because you´re going to flip the omelette half way through the process.

Step 2: Once the pan is heated up you´re going add the onioins and cup of olive oil. Let the onion cook for about 2-3 minutes.

Step 3: After having hand cut the potatoes into thick slices, you´re going to add them all at once to the pan.

Step 4: Mix the potatoes and onions together while sifting and padding it all down. You need to cook the potatoes until their pretty tender. Don´t burn them ;)

Step 5: Turn off the stove, get a collander and drain the potatoes so that all you have are dry potatoes in a separate plate.

Step 6: Wipe clean the pan and place it back on the stove, medium high. Heat up the pan and then add the potatoes again. No more oil.

Step 7: Quickly added the hand beaten eggs into the pan so that they mix well. Keep stirring a lot until every piece of potato is surrounded by egg.

Step 8: Pat it all down so that it takes the shape of the pan. Use the pan handle to hand sift it while it cooks.

Step 9: Ok people, this is the most DIFFICULT step. You will now need to flip the omelette over and place the uncooked side BACK into the pan so it too can cook. You will do this by placing a plate that fits the pan exactly, no more, no less. You will use your left hand to hold the pan handle and your right hand will be cupping the middle of the plate. Now quickly flip it so that the raw side of the omelette is hitting the plate.

Step 10: You will now want to carefully place the omelette back into the pan. You do this by methodically sifting the omelette into the pan inch by inch making sure it always maintains it´s circular form at all times. Once in let it cook for about 4 to 5 more minutes. Once it´s cooled down you have a great dish.

If you want to make a super cheap and fast meal, you can sauteé sliced green peppers in a pan and place it in a french baguette with the omelette. Quick, easy and traditional!


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